How to become a pilot

Whether you wish to fly for pleasure or recreational purposes, or build a solid career at an airline, we are here to help you make your dream come true. Follow the steps below to achieve your goal of becoming a pilot.


WHAT ARE THE PERKSof being a pilot?

For many, a pilot career is a dream they have nurtured since childhood. It is no surprise that once you get infected with the passion for aviation, you cannot resist it and turn it into a life-long goal. Indeed, being a pilot is a genuinely meaningful and responsible career that will never go out of style, offering you many perks.

Travel for free

There are few careers where you can expect to travel the world for free and actually get remunerated for doing so. You will quickly see how the list of countries you have visited and people you met is growing, shaping and enriching your life due to the authentic lifestyle you lead as a pilot.

Improve your skillset

Pilots work in a very challenging environment, as safety is the top priority in aviation. But the satisfaction that comes from constantly honing your skills in the field you are curious to learn more about is priceless. No two flights will ever be the same, making you improve, gain new experience and be ready to handle the most complex scenarios. And all that, while having the best “office view” one could imagine!

Maintain the balance

And no, it’s not about little time at home and the absence of personal life. Many pilots have found a good balance between their professional and personal life. Instead of working from 9 to 5, you will have a more flexible work schedule and will be able to plan your time off and gatherings with family and friends accordingly!

High and growing salaries

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that the pay scales for commercial airline pilots are considerably higher in comparison to other occupations. These pay scales usually encompass significant perks and increase proportionally with the pilot’s experience and the number of hours flown. For instance, a First Officer working for an Indian carrier can expect an annual salary of around 30 lakhs, while a Captain at a major airline may earn up to 60 lakhs per year.